The best leech Wholesale price

The medical leeches that are used must have characteristics and also be in good health and be used only once during treatment. In addition, you should make sure that the bites of leeches are not infected, because it may cause the transmission of many diseases in this way, if all the hygienic points are observed, it will not cause any harm to humans. Ask us for the best leech.

The best leech Wholesale price

How many hearts does a leech have?

How many hearts does a leech have? Leeches are a kind of ringworm. Leeches are animals from the group of aquatic worms and from the order of jaws. The body of the animal has a lot of contraction and expansion, body length is between 3 to 25 cm and body width is about 1 cm. In front of the body there is a balloon which consists of 2 rings and the mouth is located in this area and at the end of the body there is a circular balloon consisting of 7 rings which connects itself to a point with this balloon and is a fulcrum for moving.

Leeches have 3 jaws and each jaw has 100 teeth; That is, a leech has about 300 extraordinarily small teeth. Most leeches live around freshwater, while some species can be found in soil as well as around seas.

The most well-known leeches, like medicinal leeches used in leech therapy, are blood-eating and feed on the blood of vertebrates and invertebrate hemolymph. However, most species of leeches are predators and feed primarily on the ingestion of other invertebrates.

There are currently about 700 known species of leeches, of which 100 are marine, 90 terrestrial, and the rest are freshwater arrays. Leeches have historically been used in medicine (leech therapy) to draw blood from patients. The history of salvage therapy dates back to ancient India and Greece, which lasted until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe and North America. In modern times, leeches are used in stages such as reattachment of body parts in reconstructive and plastic surgeries, and in Germany to treat osteoarthritis.

Bulk price of The best leech in 2021

Bulk price of The best leech in 2021 Buying healthy and quality leeches is one of the issues that should not be simply ignored. Therefore, it is better to consult with specialized collections in this field and order healthy products.

The more favorable and hygienic the conditions of leeches offered in the market, the better effects can be seen from them. These leeches are placed in ideal body conditions and their good performance can be considered.

The supply of health leeches in the market is one of the most important measures that Iranians pay attention to and meet the needs of major buyers in different cities. These suppliers guarantee the growth and performance of leeches and offer them to their customers. leech therapy in hospitals has become very popular today. leech therapy for wounds has a great effect on its healing.

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