Top Wholesale Distributors of Live Ribbon Leeches

The live ribbon leeches, also known by its scientific name Nephelopsis Obscura, are not parasitic, but they do generally feed on invertebrates. Due to their large size and natural state as prey for freshwater fish, they are commonly used as bait for fishing for walleye, bass, perch, sunfish, and other fish.

We always care about customer satisfaction and this has made us one of the best manufacturers and exporters live ribbon leeches to different cities and foreign countries.

Top Wholesale Distributors of Live Ribbon Leeches

Do Surgeons Still Use Leeches?

Do Surgeons Still Use Leeches? While the leech is gradually making a comeback among doctors and pharmacists, it has, over the past thirty years, acquired its place in the services of reconstructive surgery and trauma. It is therefore more than 100 years after their disappearance from the therapeutic range that surgery uses annelids to prevent venous congestion and when clots are likely to form in difficult puncture sites. They thus participate in the reimplantation of organs, fingers, toes, ears, etc., in skin grafts, in hematoma resorption, or in cases of venous congestion of various origins.

With the onset of microsurgery, many difficulties arose due to insufficient venous drainage. While it is relatively easy for a practitioner to suture an artery in microsurgery, venous reconstitution is more difficult and more uncertain. However, the survival of a reimplanted tissue, finger segment, skin flap graft depends on the effectiveness of venous return. By their suction effect, leeches stimulate the irrigation of cells threatened with necrosis by maintaining oxygenation of the tissue. They also promote the restoration of the anastomosis of the capillaries. They accelerate the process of decongestion of hematomas and the decongestion of grafts. By providing drainage and replacing the venous return partially or totally, they allow venous neovascularization to take place. The great thing about leeches is that they are particularly attracted to deoxygenated blood and they only bite into living tissue.

They are indicated in microsurgery and plastic surgery: finger and ear reimplantation, scalp autografting, breast reconstruction, tissue transplants, They are also recommended in traumatic congestive states: extensive hematomas of the limbs, periorbital hematomas, postoperative effects of a facelift. Leeches are therefore indicated for surgery whenever there is venous stasis. They can be applied straight away after microsurgery if a vein has not been found to suture.

Is a Leech Bite Good for You?

Is a Leech Bite Good for You? The frequency and duration of the applications are fixed by the surgeon. Treatments usually last 4 to 5 days, the time necessary for the recovery of venous return. Their application requires infinite precautions. The patient’s skin should be cleansed with warm heparinized saline to induce vasodilation to the exclusion of any other product. The place chosen for laying the leech is covered with moistened gauze in which a hole of about one centimeter is made. It is placed in close contact with the skin while ensuring that the hole is facing the site of application of the leech.

Already in the time of the pharaohs, Humans knew about the medicinal properties of leech bites. It was in the mid-19th century that leech therapy became widespread and reached its heyday. From then on, it was mainly used as a means of bloodletting.

This therapy had almost faded into oblivion since then, but it has been making a comeback in recent years. Why? Today, we are able to determine with more and more precision what are the components contained in the saliva of leeches and we, therefore, know that it does indeed contain healing substances.

Live Ribbon Leeches Exportation

 Live Ribbon Leeches Exportation The sellers of healthy leeches treatment use direct and internet ideas to introduce these types of products so that they can offer them at the best prices. Hygiene should be given a lot of attention, and of course, these types of leeches should be provided in appropriate and hygienic packaging so that the people who use them do not get other diseases. Sellers of leech treatment consider various prices for the sale of this type of cosmetic leech, which you must use online methods to get the price of these drugs so that you can receive the updated price of these products online.

We make customer satisfaction a priority. This manufacturing company is ready to offer live ribbon leeches with the highest quality and reasonable prices to domestic cities and foreign countries

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