World class leech therapy market growth rate

In Iran, as in other countries of the world, the breeding and development of leech ponds has been considered following the increase in demand for this type of aquatic animal and the decrease in the population of natural leeches due to the change of agricultural uses from traditional to modern. For more information about World class leech therapy market growth rate, visit our site.

World class leech therapy market growth rate

What happens to the leech after leech therapy?

What happens to the leech after leech therapy? Leeches have been used in medicine since ancient Egypt to treat nervous system disorders, dental problems, skin care and infections. Today, leeches are used in plastic surgery and other microsurgeries that require a microscope. Leeches cause blood flow to wounds and wounds and heal them. Leeches attach themselves to the patient’s body at each session of treatment and begin to suck his blood. They then secrete proteins and peptides that dilute and prevent blood clots. Leeches leave a very small, Y-shaped wound at the end of their work, which usually heals after a while without leaving a scar. Leeches are effective in increasing blood circulation and eliminating blood clots.

For this reason, it is not surprising that leeches are used to treat circulatory disorders and cardiovascular disease. In the production of some drugs, chemicals derived from leech saliva are used.

These drugs are used to treat the following diseases:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • Varicose veins;
  • Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids);
  • Skin problems;
  • Arthritis.
  • Clinical trials show that leech therapy is a suitable method for the common joint disease of osteoarthritis. The anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties of leech saliva reduce joint pain and tenderness.
  • Osteoporosis for heart disease : Because leeches can be effective in improving inflammation and blood flow, they are a good treatment for patients with heart disease. For the past few years, leech therapy has become a viable option for treating people with heart disease and vascular disease.

The progression of diabetes can cause many problems. Diabetes interferes with blood flow or prevents blood from reaching the hands, feet, and fingers. This condition in turn causes amputation in people with diabetes. One of the main concerns of millions of people with diabetes around the world is the loss of a finger or a limb. The most effective way to stop this process is to increase circulation and blood flow to the damaged tissues; Of course, without the risk of blood clots. Researchers have found in their experiments that leech therapy can play an effective role in this.

The heroin in leeches’ saliva dilutes the blood and prevents it from clotting. Because the blood of people with diabetes is thicker, heroin can prevent blood clots and dilute the patient’s cardiovascular system by diluting the patient’s blood. Researchers have found positive results in the treatment of diabetics with heroin. In a new study, they used Greek medicine to prevent amputation of a 60-year-old woman with diabetes. There are now artificial forms of leech saliva, but researchers have found that using four leeches can reduce the risk of amputation in just one treatment session. For more information about leeches in medicine history, visit our site.

Market growth rate of leech therapy

Market growth rate of leech therapy Market growth rate of leech therapy is very good and suitable and this type of animal is exported to other countries due to its therapeutic applications, so you can refer to our site for more information about leech therapy for hair.

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