From 1500 BC, healers used “leeches” to treat some diseases and considered it a successful and effective way of treating diseases. Our suppliers use the best equipment in the market day and by employing the best expert in the field of production of leeches, produce the best type of small brown leeches and offer them to the sales markets at the best prices. You can buy the best small brown leeches directly from our suppliers.
How Do You Know If Its a Worm or a Leech?
Ordinary worms, including earthworms, may be confused with leeches. Here are some examples of the differences between worms and leeches so that you can distinguish them. Leech body is divided into 34 parts. The first 6 parts form an anterior mouthpiece that is used to connect to the host body. A large posterior sucker is also found at the posterior end, which helps the animal move. From a distance, a leech can look like a leech. .
Differences in the diet of worms and leeches: Earthworms feed on soil organic matter such as dead leaves. They also ingest small particles of soil that are digested in the gut. Some species of leeches (hematophagous) feed on blood. Other species feed on decomposing bodies and open wounds of amphibians, reptiles, fish and even mammals. Hematophageal leeches can bite, suck host blood, and secrete an anti-clotting enzyme into the blood. As a result, leech bites bleed more than normal wounds.
Differences in the movement and behavior of worms and leeches: Earthworms live in the soil and are usually seen on the surface after severe storms. They move by contracting and relaxing muscles, which shortens and lengthens the body and helps it move. Sets or hair on the body and secreted mucus also help with this movement. Leeches lack a set and move along the body with the help of anterior and posterior suckers and longitudinal muscles. The posterior suction adheres to the surfaces, and as the longitudinal muscles are stretched and the leeches’ body is moved forward, the anterior suction adheres to the surface and the posterior is detached.
Leech Treatment for Arthritis
Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause joint pain and damage to your body. The joint damage that rheumatoid arthritis causes typically occurs on both sides of the body, so if a joint in one of your arms or legs is affected, it is likely that the same joint or leg will be affected as well. Treatments work best if arthritis is diagnosed early. One of these treatments is Leech Treatment.
The use modern leech therapy can be affect and relieve bone pain, joint pain and inflammation of adjacent tissues in arthritis. In fact, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic enzymes found in leech saliva can improve muscle fatigue and, in addition, reduce inflammation by better blood flow to the organ or part where the leech trerapy. Studies in patients with joint pain, knee or finger pain have shown that Leech therapy reduces pain and improves movement limitations. Repeating this treatment will increase the effect and make it last longer.
Small Brown Leeches for Exporting
As we mentioned, we have used the best specialists and the best equipment to produce our leeches. Due to the high quality and reasonable price of our leeches, foreign consumers have shown a great desire to buy them. For this reason, we have started to export leeches abroad and we are one of the best in the field of exporting small brown leeches abroad. To buy the best type of small brown leeches, you can visit our sales centers in person, see your desired product closely and then buy it. Or you can contact our online experts online, ie through the site or by phone, to give you the necessary guidance and advice. Gaining satisfaction and serving all people in the community is the main goal of our collection and we hope that we can succeed in this.
Hello and have a good time. Leeches are used to treat various diseases. People for whom leech therapy is suitable include those who are at risk of amputation due to diabetes, people who have heart problems, and people who have undergone plastic surgery and are at risk of losing some of their soft tissues. This treatment is also recommended for people with blood clotting problems or varicose veins. Many thanks to the Mehr collection
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