High grade leech therapy annual sales growth

To treat leeches, refer to reputable and well-known medical centers and make sure that their work is principled and hygienic. The use of leeches can increase blood flow and nourish the desired tissue. Producers of healthy and high quality leeches export leeches not only to Iranian buyers but also to other countries, and this is a way to provide income and improve the country’s economic situation. High grade leech therapy is performed in Iran.

High grade leech therapy annual sales growth

Do leeches get rid of toxins?

Do leeches get rid of toxins? Leeches are known for their soft tissue protection and surgical repair. Leech therapy helps the body heal naturally and completely in blood clotting during and after surgery. The benefits of leech therapy for blood circulation have led some people to use it to treat baldness and hair loss on the scalp. leech therapy for face has many benefits.

Annual sales growth of leech therapy

Annual sales growth of leech therapy Export leeches are one of the high quality leeches that are prepared in leech production and breeding centers and sent according to the standards of the target country. It is also possible to buy large and small leeches for export in the domestic market, and only people have to pay a little more to buy them. Because the process of breeding and producing leeches for export is a little more complicated than domestic leeches. Leech export is one of the commercial and economic activities that has attracted the attention of many leech producers these days. The income from leech exports is a hidden income, but it is so high that it can equal oil revenues.

Iranian leeches travel to many countries, one of which is Russia, which is unable to produce leeches due to weather conditions. Leech exports, as mentioned at the beginning, are a lucrative business for producers.

Because most European and Asian countries, such as Russia, do not have the conditions for leeches breeding, and on the other hand, in the fields of treatment, beauty and…, there is an urgent need for leeches. Annual sales growth of leech therapy It is increasing in Iran.

Therefore, Iranian producers have been able to target Russia in terms of leech export tariffs and distribute high quality leeches in that country’s market. In developed countries such as Russia, Iranian leeches are used in the production of cosmetics. So by exporting leeches to such countries, many successes can be achieved. leech therapy cost is determined according to its type.

Export plums should have the following characteristics: Properly and scientifically developed. Not grown in dirty water and grown in clean water. The length of export leeches should not be more than 25 cm. You can contact us to buy this product

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