Leech market growth rate in 2021

One of the most effective ways to treat some diseases, such as reperfusion to areas of the body, which are damaged or closed venous arteries, is known as esophagus. Leech therapy is also used to treat joint to vascular diseases, varicose veins and sinusitis, and the location of leeches varies depending on the type of disease. For more information about Leech market growth rate in 2021, visit our site.

Leech market growth rate in 2021

Do leeches die after feeding?

Do leeches die after feeding? Leeches belong to the mollusk family and medical leeches Hirudo Medicinalis, which is characterized by the presence of olive green to sludge green stripes on the back of this bloodthirsty animal. The history of using leeches among Iranian scientists dates back to the wise sage Sheikh Abu Ali Sina, but historical records show that the almond eyes were the first to discover the properties of this ugly black creature and use it to treat various diseases. Paddy fields, swamps and swamps in the northern provinces are home to these medicinal animals, which of course have nocturnal life and only emerge from their nests at night, despite the fact that fishermen have a lot of trouble catching them, because leeches only catch them.

Fishermen’s clothes are possible. “Staurientalis” and “Medicinalis” are among the original breeds of Iranian leeches, which are among the 15 types of treatment of leeches among their few types of treatment. According to Sheikh Hakim Abu Ali Sina, the definition is as follows: “Avoid leeches that have fine, fluffy or azure colors, because you will suffer from fainting, bleeding, fever, lethargy, and malignant wounds.” “Use a leech that has grown in the mossy waters where the frogs live, not a leech that has been in the black muddy waters.” It is interesting to know that currently in the world, the value of all four leeches is equivalent to one barrel of oil, but the 17 to 18 month process of leech breeding has created a ground for profiteers to do this, although the point that should be noted is that ‌ Leeches are hardy creatures and if the leeches are fully fed, the animal will not need food for two to three months.

Of course, this animal is more resistant to these professions and can survive without food for up to two years. Statistics show that nowadays, with the expansion and attention to the field of traditional medicine, salivary gland as a profitable profession has attracted the attention of profiteers and is a sensitive area in the field of health that definitely needs more supervision, but not only on the sale and purchase of this animal.

Treatment is not monitored, but unauthorized leech treatment has spread to people’s homes. In this regard, we have gone to some perfumers to review this issue closely; In the meantime, apart from reputable medical centers that spend time and money for this work; There are perfumers who believe that salivary therapy does not require expertise, and one of them told us that it can be easily purchased and used at home. For more information about leeches in medicine history, visit our site.

Market growth rate of leech therapy in 2021

Market growth rate of leech therapy in 2021 The market growth rate of leech therapy in 2021 is very good so that the applications of this creature are so many that it is exported to other countries at a good price, so for more information about medicinal leeches for sale, visit our site.


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